Psalm 32:8
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. "

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sorry for being doubtful....

Me: God, can I ask You a question?

God: Sure ..
Me: Promise You won't get mad
God: I promise

Me: Why did You let so much stuff happen to me today?

God: What do u mean?

Me: Well, I woke up late

God: Yes

Me: My car took forever to start

God: Okay

Me: at lunch they made my sandwich wrong & I had to wait

God: Huummm

Me: On the way home, my phone went DEAD, just as I picked up a call

God: All right

Me: And on top of it all off, when I got home ~I just want to soak my feet in my new foot massager & relax. BUT it wouldn't work!!! Nothing went right today! Why did You do that?

God: Let me see, the death angel was at your bed this morning & I had to send one
of My Angels to battle him for your life. I let you sleep through that

Me (humbled): OH

GOD: I didn't let your car start because there was a drunk driver on your route that would have hit you if you were on the road.

Me: (ashamed)

God: The first person who made your sandwich today was sick & I didn't want you to catch what they have, I knew you couldn't afford to miss work.

Me (embarrassed):Okay

God: Your phone went dead bcuz the person that was calling was going to give false witness about what you said on that call, I didn't even let you talk to them so you would be covered.

Me (softly): I see God

God: Oh and that foot massager, it had a shortage that was going to throw out all of the power in your house tonight. I didn't think you wanted to be in the dark.

Me: I'm Sorry God

God: Don't be sorry, just learn to Trust Me.... in All things , the Good & the bad.

Me: I will trust You.

God: And don't doubt that My plan for your day is Always Better than your plan.

Me: I won't God. And let me just tell you God, Thank You for Everything today.

God: You're welcome child. It was just another day being your God and I Love looking after My Children..

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What is God's GRACE?


Simply put, Grace can be defined as God's unmerited favor. It is God's free action for the benefit of His people. God's justice and mercy can be compared to the pardon that a governor of a state can give to a guilty prisoner who is facing execution (the punishment of death) for something that he or she actually did. Without this pardon, without this MERCY, they will be given the JUSTICE they deserve. But if the governor goes on and gives that guilty prisoner a free house, total freedom and unlimited resources he has given that person GRACE.

We are deserving of death because all of us have sinned Romans 3:23, 6:23, yet God offers us a pardon (grace). Jesus died for us so that we could live, but His death can be our "salvation" only if we accept it. Just like the prisoner above, we can turn it down or we can accept this pardon that God offers John 3:16.

Grace is the power of God to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves and the fact is, we cannot do anything for ourselves. Jesus says, "...without me ye can do nothing." John 15:5
The Bible gives us a beautiful example of what grace is and does. When Moses took the Children of Israel out of Egypt and into the desert the people soon became thirsty, but there wasn't any water to be found, especially not for 2,000,000 people, plus their herds of animals. God told Moses to strike a specific rock and He (God) would give the people water. The water that came out of that rock demonstrates the grace of God flowing out to all who would drink. It also caused the parched and barren land to blossom which in turn gave the people and animals something to eat. Without this water, without God's grace supplying the needs of the people, the people would have died. Christ is the Rock, He is also the Living Water.
Without God's grace, without the pardon that God gives us, we will die. We don't deserve the good that we get, but we are supplied daily with the light of the sun, air to breath, something to eat and drink. Without the materials God has provided us with we cannot even supply electricity on our own to make light and oxygen or even create food. God supplies all we need, but we must choose to accept His gifts, or to reject them. We have the option of refusing to eat or drink. We have the option of closing ourselves up in an air tight, waterproof and darkened room, but it will kill us.
And God's grace does not stop with just our physical needs. He has supplied what is needed for our spiritual welfare as well. If we will only read it and hide it in our hearts, God's Holy Word, the Bible, contains all that we need to be happy, gain total freedom and have eternal life. The Bible tells us about who God is and what He is like. In addition to the Bible the Father allowed His Son, Jesus, to come and ransom us even though we do not deserve it. The life of Jesus was another of the Father's gifts to us to tell us who He is and what He is like.
God's grace is all around us. He wants us to live forever and be happy. We can accept some of His grace and live for a few years, or we can accept ALL His grace and LIVE forever! It's your choice.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Living among the WISE....

I sit here reflecting on so many things in my life trying to figure out, " How on earth did i get this low?"
It's simple....i did not heed to the WISE
I was too busy trying to conform to a world that only wanted to transform me for its selfish mission...
hmmmm....i simply did not heed to the WISE
This Papa i call my God oh...mayne, now He has a sense of humour...
I ask Him to reveal to me and He did...I simply did not live among the WISE....

Heartache, av known too well, despair, it has been there sometimes...FEAR....i just kicked out of the window....

You see, there are those who walk the talk and those who simply talk the talk....
Av fallen in the latter bracket but now that av walked among the WISE, the former has become my cup of tea.

Don't pay no attention to people who try to move you with the selfish acts, ha! Child, I know them deep inside...boys too bitter to admit their masculine egos have been crushed.....You simply did not live among the WISE...
Too busy trying to get all the necessary requirements,to "survive" this life, a  Masters here and a PHd there....my child, you need to live among the WISE...
After all is said and done, av realised...The WISE were right within me, but i was too busy caring what people have done to me or are doing to me....Father, Son, Holy Spirit, i call the HOLY trinity...

You see, people may want to crush you with words, take you for a joy ride, make you feel like the fool for loving them, hate you for walking away from them....but my child, you can't serve two masters...

Yes Lord, i now see it....it's right before me....Their testimony and opinion of my destiny does not matter because i am grounded in the ONE i feel has substance....the one i call my MASTER!

So you better realise, soon enough because the ENEMY envies you if you choose to LIVE AMONG THE WISE!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The BEST place to See God is on my Knees...

Prayer is the practice of the presence of God. It is the place where pride is abandoned, hope is lifted, and supplication is made. Prayer is the place of admitting our need, of adopting humility, and claiming dependence upon God. Prayer is the needful practice of the Christian. Prayer is the exercise of faith and hope. Prayer is the privilege of touching the heart of the Father through the Son of God, Jesus our Lord.

The Bible speaks much of prayer. But, sometimes, too often, we ignore prayer and seek to accomplish in the strength of our own wills those things that we desire to have or happen. For those of us who are too often guilty of this, we need to bow our knees, confess our sin, receive God's forgiveness, and beg that the will of the Lord be done above our own. God is sovereign and loving and He knows what is best for us and others, even if it doesn't always seem to make the most sense.

We so often come to the Lord with legitimate requests for healing, conversions, and needs and yet the answers we hope for often do not come. We wonder and sometimes doubt. Yet, we persevere and praise God. We pray because we know that God hears us and because we desire to see results. We should pray by faith, trusting God. We should pray consistently, trusting God. We should pray for healing, trusting God. We should pray for others, trusting God. We should pray and when our prayers are answered or are not answered remember this: If we knew what the Lord knew, we wouldn't change a thing.

Prayer changes the one praying because in prayer, you are in the presence of God as you lay before Him your complete self in confession and dependence. There is nothing to hide when in quiet supplication we are reaching into the deepest part of ourselves and admitting our needs and failures. In so doing, our hearts are quieted and pride is stripped and we enjoy the presence of God. James 4:8 says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."

I am reminded of another benefit of prayer: peace. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus," (Phil. 4:6-7).

I suppose that we can test our prayer life and dependence upon God by the peace or lack of peace in our hearts. In all things we are to seek the Lord and in His continued presence peace will surely be our gain.

Prayer is the practice of the presence of God.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Set me FREE...





I'm not afraid to say that I'm not
All that I should be
But I'm so glad, so glad that I'm not,
Not what I used to be
The places I used to go,
People I used to know
Things that I used to do have all changed
Now that I know You

There's been some changes
Since you came
Into my life

If any man be in Christ, he/she is a new creature....all things have passed away, and all things have been made new....so you don't have to stay the same...
there is new life....waiting for YOU!

So I'll say Bye, bye to yesterday!